Anna Cobb portrait

About Me

Hello, I'm Anna. I'm a Full-stack Web Developer proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I always had an interest in technology and how it all fits together to make one cohesive whole. Consequently, my interest led me to pursue a bootcamp course where I built apps using technologies like React, MongoDB, NodeJS, etc. In web development, I have found my little corner of the universe where I can use my creative and my analytical skills together. As a developer, I strive towards being adaptable, open-minded when listening to users or teammates, and willing to ask questions when I need to learn or improve. In addition to my work and interest in web development, I'm also an avid musician and you can find me playing the piano or my irish whistle whenever the inspiration strikes. I'm currently available for work in the Dallas, Oregon area or remotely.

See my resume


Languages: Javascript, HTML, CSS

Testing & Tools:Jest, Jest-Cucumber, Git, Github

Frameworks: React, Node.js
